Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer in Queens

Dedicated to Securing Maximum Compensation for Our Personal Injury Clients

There are tens of thousands of truck, motorcycle, and car accidents in Queens every single year. In a best-case scenario, this will result in nothing more than minor property damage. Unfortunately, many car accident cases also lead to serious injuries or even death. The only thing that can make these situations worse is knowing that the negligent or wrongful acts of another party led to the collision. If you or a loved one have been injured in a crash, a motor vehicle accident lawyer in Queens may be able to help.

At The Law Offices of Elke E. Mirabella, PC, we’re dedicated to securing maximum compensation for auto accident victims. Whether you suffered minor scrapes or a traumatic brain injury (TBI), personal injury cases like yours are often entitled to financial recovery. Unfortunately, any insurance company you work with is likely to be more focused on profit than offering victims what they deserve. Our law firm will work hard to secure fair compensation on your behalf — whether this means aggressive settlement negotiations or filing litigation.

Contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation. We’re ready to assist.

Do You Have a Valid Compensation Claim?

After involvement in a car accident in Queens, many people believe that fault is clear. Unfortunately, appearances are not always as they seem. Even if you believe it will be easy to prove negligence, your ability to successfully seek compensation will come down to proving the three elements of liability in court. Of course, establishing these in court won’t be necessary for insurance settlements — but proving that they exist will incentivize the insurance company to provide fair compensation from the start.

These are the three necessary elements of liability:

  • Duty of care: When motorcycle, truck, and car wrecks occur, it’s first necessary to establish that a duty of care exists. This essentially means that the other driver or negligent party had a responsibility to avoid actions that could harm others. Since every motorist is responsible for safe driving, this is often an easy element to establish.
  • Violation of duty: It must also be proven that another party violated their duty of care. This can be a bit more difficult to establish. For instance, the at-fault party may deny that they were speeding or texting while driving. Still, the facts of the case will dictate whether you can secure financial compensation.
  • Causation of harm: It’s not enough for a person to violate a duty of care. To establish liability for a fair settlement or court award, it must also be shown that this violation led to actual harm. If you can prove lost wages due to your injury, you’ve essentially proven financial harm. Medical bills, physician reports confirming pain and suffering, and other proof of harm can be invaluable.

Your Queens car accident attorney will need to establish that these three elements exist to secure financial compensation on your behalf. Unfortunately, some law firms may be more focused on closing cases quickly — so they might accept a quick but unfair settlement. This is not how we do things at The Law Offices of Elke E. Mirabella. We’ll work hard on your car accident case to ensure you receive every penny you deserve. We handle complex personal injury claims every day, so we’re prepared to take your case to the end.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

What Are No-Fault Rules for Car Accidents in New York?

Many of the most common car accident injuries are minor, and if this is true in your case, you may not need to worry about establishing liability. That’s because New York has a no-fault insurance system. All drivers are required to carry this form of insurance. Whenever an auto accident occurs, injury victims often do not seek compensation from the insurer of the negligent driver. Instead, they’ll file a car accident claim with their own insurer. However, a serious injury sustained in an auto accident may meet the no-fault threshold that allows victims to go after the at-fault party.

Of course, a no-fault system doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from a personal injury attorney. Following a motor vehicle accident, it’s safe to assume that your own insurance company will try to pay out as little as possible. A motor vehicle accident attorney in Queens can handle arbitration with your insurer to ensure you recover compensation that’s both fair and appropriate. Additionally, motorcycle riders are often not covered under no-fault insurance policies. This means that an injured biker’s only option will be to seek compensation from liable parties’ insurance providers.

If all this talk of insurance coverage sounds complex, that’s because it is. However, a car crash lawyer in Queens can review your case and help you understand whether your injuries qualify for compensation. We’ll do everything from tracking down your medical records and police report to investigating the accident scene and representing you in court. When we take you on as a client, you’ll have our full dedication until the end. Contact us today to learn more.

Common Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents in Queens

There are a lot of automobiles in New York. With so many vehicles on the road, it’s no wonder that dozens of accidents happen throughout the state every hour. The real question is why so many of these collisions are occurring. Any Queens car accident attorney who has handled a lot of cases can answer this question. Unfortunately, the list of common causes of these collisions is not short. They include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Intoxicated driving
  • Poor road conditions
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Poor vehicle maintenance
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Left-turning vehicles
  • Road hazards
  • Driver fatigue
  • Failure to yield
  • Reckless driving

These issues greatly increase the likelihood of motorcycle, truck, and car accidents in Queens, NY. If you’re involved in a collision due to any of these, make sure you file a police report and collect the other driver’s insurance information. If you’re unable to do this due to severe injuries sustained in the collision, do not worry. An experienced car crash attorney can assist with building your case — even if there wasn’t much evidence established immediately after the wreck.

After you seek medical attention, contact our law firm immediately. We’re here to help.

What Are Common Motor Vehicle Accidents?

Car crashes are common in Queens, NY. Unfortunately, these collisions are far from the only dangers we see on our local roadways. At The Law Offices of Elke E. Mirabella, our motor vehicle accident lawyers in Queens see a variety of collisions in our office. If you’ve been involved in any of the following accidents along New York roadways, contact us for a free consultation. We’ll help you understand your options.

Car Accident

Car crashes are among the most common motor vehicle accidents in Queens, NY. Whether you’ve suffered a minor or serious injury, it’s important to speak with an attorney to understand your rights. A legal professional can review your case and identify whether you’re covered under no-fault insurance or if you are eligible for additional compensation due to serious injuries.

Truck Accident

Tractor-trailer trucks carry essential products throughout New York every day. The trucking industry is critical to our economy. Unfortunately, these massive vehicles also create a significant risk for other drivers on the road. Collisions with big rigs typically result in serious injuries, and one of these can make a car accident in Queens look relatively minor by comparison. Make sure you seek legal counsel immediately following these detrimental automobile accidents.

Motorcycle Accident

Accident victims involved in motorcycle crashes face a high risk of catastrophic injuries and permanent disability. It doesn’t matter how careful a biker is — because it only takes a single mistake from a negligent driver to completely upend their life forever. Injuries sustained are typically serious, and without no-fault insurance protection, you’ll need to prove your case to insurers or in court. A motor vehicle accident attorney in Queens can assist.

What Damages Are You Entitled To?

In a Queens car accident case, you’ll likely recover compensation via a settlement negotiation. In fact, most personal injury cases are settled outside of the courtroom. However, this will not always be the case. Even if you have an experienced auto accident lawyer on your side, the insurance company of the other driver may refuse to offer fair compensation. If this is the case, you’ll need to pursue compensation via litigation. In these instances, Queens car accident attorneys may be able to secure the following damages on your behalf:

Economic Damages

Personal injury attorneys can most frequently secure economic damages for their clients. Also known as special damages, these are meant to reimburse injury victims for monetary loss. This could include lost wages, medical costs, property damage, the cost of future medical attention, and any other financial loss stemming from the accident.

Non-economic Damages

When accident victims sustain a significant injury, it’s often the case that they lose more than just money. Non-economic damages — also known as general damages — can be reimbursed for these losses. Damages can include pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment in life, loss of companionship, and emotional distress.

Punitive Damages

There are times when a car crash is caused by actions so egregious that the courts believe reimbursing the victim simply isn’t enough. Punitive damages can increase what the at-fault party owes as a form of punishment. Regular instances of distracted driving or speeding will rarely meet the gross negligence threshold. Still, it’s important to speak with a Queen’s motor vehicle accident attorney to see if you might qualify.

What if You Contributed to Your Motor Vehicle Accident?

The great thing about no-fault insurance coverage is that it doesn’t matter who is liable for a collision. Accident victims can secure compensation from their own insurer. However, things become more complex when car wrecks lead to serious injuries in Queens, NY. In these instances, it’s critical to work with car accident lawyers — and this is even more true if you believe your own actions contributed to your injuries. However, don’t fall into the trap of believing that liability on your part precludes you from financial compensation.

Even if you contributed to your accident, New York is a comparative negligence state. This means your Queens car accident lawyer may be able to secure compensation on your behalf even if you’re partially at fault. Financial recovery for your car accident injuries will likely be somewhat reduced, but the fact is that you may still be able to secure substantial compensation. Don’t make assumptions that could end up leaving thousands of dollars on the table. Our Queens car accident lawyers will review your case and help you understand what you may be entitled to.

Contact us today to learn more.

Contact Our Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers in Queens Today

You need a motor vehicle accident lawyer in Queens who is dedicated to securing a fair outcome on your behalf. Without legal counsel on your side, you could end up facing an insurance company committed to keeping personal injury claim payouts low. Insurance adjusters often use manipulative tactics, and this could leave you facing medical expenses, lost wages, and many other difficulties on your own. Auto accidents can be detrimental; even seemingly minor collisions can completely upend your life. Make sure you have an advocate on your side.

At The Law Offices of Elke E. Mirabella, PC, that’s exactly what we offer. We’re not just a law firm that treats every personal injury case as another number. We treat all our clients like family — because we’ve seen what happens when injury victims attempt to take on insurance companies and the legal system alone. You can sit down for a free consultation with an experienced attorney at our law firm today. Contact us at (631) 557-6127 to schedule your complimentary, no-obligation case review. Our motor vehicle accident lawyers in Queens are here to help.